Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2007

Did you know that...

...the first Chinese, came to America, came in search of gold. First, they were totaly exepted by the Americans, later the were transformed into wage earners working in the quartz mines for white employers.
In 1865, the Chinese workers found a new area of occupation in the railroad construction.
In1870s, Chinese moved to San Francisco to seach employment in the manufacturing industry, making boots, cigars, tabacco and shoes. Only a few were able to work in the chinese ethnic economy in the retail business, the service and entertainment sectors.
In the rural areas of the west, the Chinese worked in wineyards and wineries in Northern California. Only some who wanted to be farmers on their own, succeded in tenatent farming and as truck gardeners.
Many of the Chinese women were prostitutes. Only few were employed as housekeepers, servants, loundresses, seamstresses, shoemakers, cooks, miners and fisherwomen.

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